When you start with your PhD there is a lot you have to arrange. The list below helps you through your first days and the most important things you have to know.
For more detailed information you can also visit the following links:
Doctoral Regulations 2020
Here you can find detailed information about the start of your PhD, provided by the Erasmus MC.
Checklist what you really have to do on your first day
- Get your Erasmus MC pass: At human resouces (Personeels- en Salarisadministratie or PSA) Frontservice PSA, locatie Fe-209, you can apply for a pass and fill out forms to get authorization for all the departments you will need. When you start working at the EMC a special number called ‘microsectienummer’ will be allocated to you. With this number you can log onto the computers. To activate your account you will need to go to the service desk to show some identification (passport or driver’s license), you will then also receive a password for your account.
- Register as a PhD at Promeras: Promeras is the representative body for all PhD candidates at Erasmus MC. If you are an Erasmus MC PhD candidate, you can sign up (see website promeras.nl: sign up) to become a member. Promeras safeguards the rights of PhD candidates, advises the PhD committee and organizes social events. Promeras is a member of EPAR (Erasmus PhD Association Rotterdam) and PNN (PhD Network Netherlands). Sign up for their newsletter to receive information about nice activities and the latest news. You can sign up via https://www.promeras.nl/sign-up/ .
For additional questions you can contact Promeras by e-mail: promeras@erasmusmc.nl - Graduate schools: Sign up for one the graduate schools (more information you can find on our website). Currently they are reorganizing the graduate schools into one graduate school instead different schools. Once this is completed we will provide a direct link to the website of the graduate school. Check with which graduate school your department is affiliated. Check the websites of the graduate schools for their courses. Some courses are free when you are a member of the graduate school (for example: English Biomedical Writing and Communication, Scientific Integrity). Courses the medical library are free for every PhD-student.
- Get your BROK certificate: BROK stands for ‘Basiscursus Regelgeving en Organisatie van Klinische trials’. This course is mandatory for clinical PhD-students. The main subject is ‘Good Clinical Practice’, about responsibility of investigators in clinical research to participating patients. This course consist of a meeting in the Erasmus MC (Centrum Specifieke Bijeenkomst), and a computer exam following. The ‘Centrum Specifieke Bijeenkomst’ is organized several times a year in the Erasmus MC and will take 1 day. Online course material is available on the website of BROK after you are registered for this course. For the exam it is necessary to answer >80% of the multiple choice questions correctly. This course will be given in the Dutch and English language. Registration is possible online. For general questions about the BROK® you can contact Reneé Schrijver or Hanneke den Breeijen brok@erasmusmc.nl. There is a waiting list, so direct registration is advised.
For more information, go to: https://nfu-ebrok.nl/?lang=en
Other important things you should know about:
- Training and Supervision Plan: At Erasmus MC, each doctoral candidate has to complete a training and supervision plan in consultation with his or her supervisor(s). For more information click on this link:
https://stip.erasmusmc.nl/PhdCandidates/624 - Hora Finita: The program “Hora Finita” is an administration module at the start of the PhD Procedure and should facilitate the administrative procedures involved in the PhD trajectory. Every (new) PhD applicant can login by clicking the button “New PhD applicant” via the Hora Finita website:
https://www.eur.nl/en/research/beadles-office/phd-defence-ceremonies/phd-defence-procedure - PhD portfolio: The PhD portfolio is required in each Erasmus MC PhD thesis and includes a report about training and teaching. With this portfolio, all Erasmus MC PhD students include a report of their PhD training (e.g. courses, workshops, seminars, international conferences) and teaching as last page of their thesis. With this PhD portfolio, Erasmus MC supports a broad personal development of our scientists.
- PhD-day: subscribe for the annually PhD-day, which will be held each year in July.
Useful websites
General website PhD Erasmus MC
Useful information on the following subjects:
- Starting your PhD
- Research Schools
- Training and Supervision Plan
- Reference Check
- PhD Portfolio
- Confidential counselor for PhD students
E-learning for clinical research
Information about METC and CCMO
Interesting (PhD) groups: https://stip.erasmusmc.nl/PhdCandidates/631
International Office: https://stip.erasmusmc.nl/PhdCandidates/613
Funding: https://stip.erasmusmc.nl/PhdCandidates/619
Confidential counsellors: https://stip.erasmusmc.nl/PhdCandidates/635
CAO: https://cao-ziekenhuizen.nl/downloads
Promotion Network Netherlands: https://www.hetpnn.nl/en/